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Fondata nel 1987, STMicroelectronics è un produttore internazionale di semiconduttori. Ha una vasta gamma di attività, suddivise in tre principali divisioni: automotive, prodotti digitali e analogici. I suoi prodotti coprono una vasta gamma di settori come microcontrollori, sensori, semiconduttori di potenza, chip automobilistici, sistemi intelligenti di assistenza alla guida e soluzioni IoT.

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Produttori e novità

L6226QTR: Motor Control Solutions to Drive the Future


Discover the L6226QTR dual full-bridge driver by STMicroelectronics, offering high performance, comprehensive protection, and compact design for motor control in industrial automation, home appliances, and consumer electronics.
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Comprehensive Overview of the STM32 Series Microcontrollers: Product Classification, Technical Features, and Applications


STM32 series microcontrollers are high-performance embedded processors based on ARM Cortex-M core launched by STMicroelectronics, which are widely used in industrial automation, consumer electronics, medical equipment, Internet of Things and other fields. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of STM32 product classification, technical characteristics and typical application scenarios to help developers choose the right solution.
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STMicroelectronics and Qualcomm Collaborate on Breakthrough IoT Module to Introduce Wi-Fi to STM32 Ecosystem 6


STMicroelectronics and Qualcomm have partnered to bring advanced wireless connectivity solutions to the STM32 ecosystem with the introduction of the breakthrough IoT module ST67W611M1, which integrates Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3 and Thread technologies. The module simplifies the development process for industrial and consumer IoT applications, supports the Matter protocol, offers robust security and flexible integration options, and will be fully available in 2025.
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STMicroelectronics revolutionises smart metering and asset tracking solutions with ST87M01 dual wireless IoT module


STMicroelectronics recently introduced its latest highly adaptable dual wireless IoT module, the ST87M01, designed for applications such as smart metering and asset tracking. Combining narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and wireless metering bus (wM-Bus) technologies, this module is designed to provide a flexible and reliable connectivity solution to support the rapid deployment of sustainable smart grids and industrial IoT.
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STM32F407/417 Microcontrollers and Their Application Scenarios


The STM32F407/417 series are high performance microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics, based on the ARM Cortex-M4 core. The series is known for its excellent performance and wide range of applications for embedded applications requiring high integration and performance.
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STM32G070KB: A Versatile Microcontroller for the Smart Era


​In this smart era where everything is connected, a good microcontroller can be the soul of an innovative product, and the STM32G070KB microcontroller from STMicroelectronics is just such a ‘smart chip’ that can inspire unlimited creativity. Let's explore the charm of this small but powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller.
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La tecnologia NFC (Near Field Communication) nella vita moderna: applicazioni e comodità


Nella vita moderna, l'applicazione della tecnologia Near Field Communication (NFC) sta diventando sempre più diffusa, portando grande comodità nella nostra vita quotidiana. NFC è una tecnologia di comunicazione wireless a corto raggio che in genere opera entro pochi centimetri, consentendo un rapido scambio di dati tra dispositivi. Di seguito sono riportate le principali applicazioni dell'NFC nella vita quotidiana e le comodità che offre.
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STMicroelectronics LD1117S33CTR: Impostazione di un nuovo standard per la progettazione di circuiti di precisione


STMicroelectronics (ST) porta ancora una volta sul mercato un regolatore lineare ad alte prestazioni con la sua superba artigianalità e concetti progettuali lungimiranti: il LD1117S33CTR.
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